Wednesday, March 26, 2008
OMFG I JUZ REALISED THAT WE HAV CHALET.... kays gtg tmr or other time then talk... juz posted one line... that's pathetic. xD
{/10:49 PM}
The Click Five rules
Saturday, March 22, 2008
aiya. went to concert today at da esplanade. watched sounds of spring or something liddat. met up with da girls(Felicia, Li Dan, Wei Lin, Hazel, Eunice and others) on the mrt. then go there together. on da way to esplanade, we walked past the laughing gas. and we laughed and laughed. i nearly cried haha. lols.... then dey dun let ya drink inside there de. even if its plain water. xD haha. lols...
{/11:24 PM}
The Click Five rules
Friday, March 21, 2008
heyyo! long time no blog. this blog is going dead in no time. anyways, i hav a long list of things to say, but cant seem to rmbr offhand. xDlets juz start from what happened on monday. (can't tell)tuesday: nuthin happened. go to sch per normal, come back home per normal. except tat we watched "i'm not scared"wednesday: FORGETthursday: there's a chinese common test. then TIC tell us the topics tested are: chapters 8, 9, and 10. then when we got the paper for common test, it says there chapters 6, 8 and 9. OMG WDF was my expression. zzz.... then only some ppl knew what happened afterward.. you know who you are.. ^_^ saw guok jia wei getting off at tampines mrt station? then talk one sec, i turn around see randy poon. (?!) where got so coincidence de. xD... blah blah....nuthin much really happened liao. went to my auntie's house for swimming and celebrating my grandmother's birthday(we celebrate early)blah blah. xD nuthin to say liao? yea, tat's about all? sians. whatever! i dun really care anymore. SERIOUSLY!!!-CP-
{/10:50 PM}
The Click Five rules
Sunday, March 9, 2008
hihi back again. suddenly feel like blogging. felt like i'd never blogged in ages. xD and i juz updated like, ytd? zzz. sians. lolz. hav cca course tmr. meeting carmen and yuheng at the tampines bus terminal at 7. scared lata cannot wake up, how? tmr muz sleep early. gonna watch bleach 160 today. see if hav time will go and watch 161 and others. HELL i wanna watch so many animes but hav no time????? zzz. please re-add my new and final email:
bleh. feeling so sian now. wanted to actually write a whole page of crap, but cannot seem to remember wat i wanna say. so now, i ended up with an extremely short post. xD
so, how's life for everyone? missed everyone(and i mean EVERYONE) from 6A... wanna meet up during june hols or something? coz march hols is like, started already? nevermind, i go and update myself at da class blog. xD
{/12:49 AM}
The Click Five rules
Friday, March 7, 2008
hey all. sians man. finally get a chance to online, got my ca results today. zzz. whatever. today muz chiong watch bleach ep 160, 161, 162 and 163... i havent watch a single one yet!! zzz. there's cca course frm monday to friday. whole week occupied sia... then got like, 4 to 5 proj needa do during da hols. wher got time?! zzz. bleh. carmen, on the day we meet yuheng(monday), lets do this. say the [omg] thingy and see if yuheng responds. i dun believe i kena tricked by carmen again today. i think she was trying to trick envy, but somehow im beside her, and i somewhat responded, and we all laughed... zzz... and envy went, "what is happening? why are u laughing?" and i laughed even more... hahahahaha.
{/10:07 PM}
The Click Five rules
Saturday, March 1, 2008
hi, i dun really sound enthu... sians, very tired... had SPA ytd. was quite fun, doing da experiments.... sians, havent watch bleach 160, 161 and 162. and no one chat wib me... bleh. i sound so pathetic. whatever. im feeling pretty bored now, waiting for bleach 160 to buffer. BUFFER DAMN SLOW. yay infocomm is fun! ^^ byes~ feeling bored.
{/5:51 PM}
The Click Five rules