yoyoyo! im back! ok... im so backdated in bleach.. aiya whatever. i long tym no blog. now, i shall start frm 3 weeks ago...Wednesday, 2th April
was our enterprise week.. then weilin brought her ice box. for ice blend i think.... wasn't in her grp. then her ice all melted, then we played around with the water in weilin's ice box after combined assembly. yupps. then i had a competition with who ah? .......... ya, brandon. then we both stick our hands into the ice box see whose hand comes up first. yup. then after that, xin yu and gabriel came and chou re nao. they also stick their hands into the ice box for fun. then xin yu put the spider into the ice box too (???) yups. then we juz splashed the water arnd... shall now post the pics... hope dey dun mind. anyway i look retarded in the pic so dun laf.
anyway da pics are taken by weilin...
yupp. from da left...
xinyu, follow by me, then brandon, then gabriel. apparently xinyu and gabriel dun like cameras (???)
they actually siam frm it when weilin took da photo... diao...
left me and brandon smiling like idiots. :P
another pic is abt the hands all inside da ice box, but i doubt i needa upload tat? yupps. behind weilin, klinsmann is doing something else. i think playing psp or sumting (wib fren).. nah i dun care. :) sorry ppl, im bored.. gotta find sumting to entertain me. pls dun kill me at sch on mon if u see tis pic.. :)
eh? then nuthin much happened?
oh yah. juz rmbed.
Wednesday, 19th March
think our geog tchr never come, then da boys were playing. some ppl carrying a boy... yupps. tat's what happened. here's da pics:
taken by weilin again... then bluetoothed to me...
left to right: brandon, klinsmann, rui ming
they are carrying klinsmann....
blah. bored agn?
let's upload more. hope u guys dun mind... :)
Left to right: zhen sheng, brandon, bryan, rui ming.
bryan's the one being carried.
lol... haha husband carrying wife... (ruiming and bryan)
was arm wrestling in sch almost everyday last week...
won rui ming in wrist. haha. gemonn distracted him de. then we say if he lose then he must drink 3 mouthfuls of teriyaki sauce(we had home econs test tat day)lol. ruiming somehow ran away. haha. was arm wrestling with bryan when the bell rang in da morn, then no time to continue. blah. :(
then i juz go and arm wrestle during recess with klinsmann, brandon, ruiming and others.
bleh brandon damn strong. i died in like, 2 secs. i told him tat and he challaneged me agn?(think he was trying to prove tat i will die faster or sumting?) then i died in 3 secs. :(
ppl, go and challenge him haha. but one thing i cannot believe is tat chun han can beat ian??????!!!! i mean, tat's like, impossible. but he, once again, has done the impossible... bleh.
oh yah. on friday, during cca, i found this blog url: chua-rui-ming.blogspot.com and chuaruiming.blogspot.com.
im serious. there's really such websites...
kays. gotta stop blogging and go play games.(looking for games 2 play...)
Onebee'08 rules!!!!!!! (hey ppl, if u ever meet klinsmann, u'll juz find him damn cute. serious. no, and i dun mean tat cute, as in ke ai tat cute.)
i miss ppl frm 6A... :(